フランキー スィーヒ
Visual Artist
1988年 東京生まれ
2010年 ニューヨーク School of Visual Arts ファインアート科 卒業 学士号取得
日本とアメリカにルーツを持つアーティスト。作品は、和柄を取り入れたモチーフと明るい色使いで、彼女自身の多文化的なアイデンティティを織り混ぜて表現している。絵画、壁画、ライブペイント、デザイン、そして達磨の絵付けなどその表現は多岐にわたる。これまでにGoogle、Microsoft、Starbucks、Instagram、Adobe など様々な企業とコラボレーションを行い、現在はグローバルに活動を展開している。
1988 Born in Tokyo
2010 School of Visual Arts, NYC, BFA in Fine Arts
Frankie Cihi is an artist with roots to Japan and America. Inspired by her Japanese heritage and upbringing, she creates large-scale murals and live painting performances that bridge the gap between the cultural complexities of our inner and outer worlds.
Her artistic process is one of exploration—she paints and draws freely, allowing her subconscious to guide her hand through imagined dreamscapes of pastel paracosms. The result is a series of intricate patterns that evoke a sense of magic—a feeling that we can connect with something deeper within ourselves through the act of creation.
She is also known for her colorful darumas (traditional paper mache dolls from Takasaki city, Gunma, Japan), as well as her design work . She regularly works on collaborative projects with brands including Google, Microsoft, Starbucks, Instagram and Adobe, and continues to work across various industries across the globe.